Library Catalogue

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Call No Author Book Classification Language
KL00001 Dan B. Allender To be Told — God Invites You to Coauthor Your Future Give Away 中文
JL00002 Samuel Wells God's Companions -- Reimaging Christian Ethics Christian Ethics 中文
AL00003 Richard Bauckham Finding God in the midst of Life Theology 中文
AL00004 Colin E. Gunton The Christian Faith - An Introduction to Christian Doctrine Theology 中文
JL00005 Glen H. Strassen and David P Gushee Kingdom Ethics (Following Jesus in Contemporary Context) Christian Ethics 中文
EL00006 Eugene H Peterson Take and Read (Spiritual Reading:An Annotated List) Spirituality 中文
IL00007 Tim Chester and Steve Timmis Total Church - A Radical Reshaping Around Gospel and Community Church Management 中文
EL00008 Brian D. McLaren Finding Our Way Again - The Return of the Ancient Practices Spirituality 中文
HL00009 趙半農、韓江雪 Interpersonal Relationship 中文
AL00010 余達心 Theology 中文
DL00011 David G. Benner Strategic Pastoral Counselling: A Short Term Structural Model Pastoral Care / Counselling 中文
EL00012 Dan B Allender and Tremper Longman III Breaking the Idols of Your Heart: How to navigate the Temptation of Life Spirituality 中文
JL00013 Samuel Wells Power and Passion : Six Characters in Search of Resurrection Christian Ethics 中文
BL00014 羅慶才、黃錫木主編 A Concise Bible Handbook Exegisis 中文
BL00015 黃錫木 The Fundamentals of the Bible — Basic Level Exegisis 中文
CL00016 陳燿南 Missionary 中文
DL00017 Sarah A. Butler Caring Ministry - A Contemplative Approach to Pastoral Care Pastoral Care / Counselling 中文
EL00018 Henri J.M. Nouwen Adam - God's beloved Spirituality 中文
GL00019 王礽福 Christian Literature / Arts 中文
EL00020 Henri J.M. Nouwen With Open Hands Spirituality 中文
EL00021 Henri J.M. Nouwen Beyond The Mirror - Reflections On Death And Life Spirituality 中文
FL00022 胡燕青 Testimonial / Biography 中文
EL00023 陳麗群、潘重姿、潘重剛 A Living Faith Spirituality 中文
EL00024 Dennis Linn, Matthew Linn Healing of Memories Spirituality 中文
DL00025 Paul Tillich The Courage To Be Pastoral Care / Counselling En
EL00026 Henri J.M. Nouwen Finding My Way Home - Pathways to Life and the Spirit Spirituality 中文
BL00027 黃錫木 The Fundamentals of the Bible 一 Advanced Level Exegisis 中文
BL00028 黃嘉樑 Rediscovering the Bible: Book of Numbers Exegisis 中文
EL00029 Gordon MacDonald Ordering Your Private World with study guide Spirituality En
CL00030 陳耀南 Missionary 中文
EL00031 郭鴻標、黃錫木 A Practical Handbook to Christian Life Spirituality 中文
BL00032 黃嘉樑 Rediscovering the Bible : Book of Joshua Exegisis 中文
BL00033 吳獻章 Rediscovering the Bible: Book of Judges Exegisis 中文
JL00034 余達心 Freedom and Commitment Christian Ethics 中文
BL00035 黃嘉樑、 雷建華、 梁國權 The Essentials of the Bible Old Testament Prophetic Books Exegisis 中文
AL00036 Paul Tillich Systematic Theology: Volume 1 Theology En
AL00037 Paul Tillich Systematic Theology: Volume 2 Theology En
AL00038 Paul Tillich Systematic Theology: Volume 3 Theology En
AL00039 Richard Bauckham The Theology of the Book of Revelation Theology 中文
BL00040 態潤榮 Rediscovering the Bible: Book of Jeremiah Exegisis 中文
EL00041 Henri J.M. Nouwen Desert Wisdom - Sayings from the Desert Fathers Spirituality 中文
EL00042 George Sweeting How to Begin the Christian Life Spirituality 中文
EL00043 Richard Rohr 理查.羅爾 Everything Belongs : The Gift of Contemplative Prayer Spirituality 中文
EL00044 Henri J.M. Nouwen In Memoriam Spirituality 中文
BL00045 孫寶玲、黃錫木 The Essentials of the Bible: Life of Jesus and the Four Gospels Exegisis 中文
HL00046 Dr. Clyde M. Narramore Life & Love (2 books) Interpersonal Relationship 中文
CL00047 趙天恩 Suffering and Christian Growth Missionary 中文
HL00048 杜華德 My Parents are Impossible Interpersonal Relationship 中文
FL00049 梁樹榮等 Testimonial / Biography 中文
EL00050 A. W. Tozer & others Essay on Prayer Spirituality 中文
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