Library Catalogue

1234567...341 (10201)
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Call No Author Book Classification Language
KL00001 Dan B. Allender To be Told — God Invites You to Coauthor Your Future Give Away 中文
JL00002 Samuel Wells God's Companions -- Reimaging Christian Ethics Christian Ethics 中文
AL00003 Richard Bauckham Finding God in the midst of Life Theology 中文
AL00004 Colin E. Gunton The Christian Faith - An Introduction to Christian Doctrine Theology 中文
JL00005 Glen H. Strassen and David P Gushee Kingdom Ethics (Following Jesus in Contemporary Context) Christian Ethics 中文
EL00006 Eugene H Peterson Take and Read (Spiritual Reading:An Annotated List) Spirituality 中文
IL00007 Tim Chester and Steve Timmis Total Church - A Radical Reshaping Around Gospel and Community Church Management 中文
EL00008 Brian D. McLaren Finding Our Way Again - The Return of the Ancient Practices Spirituality 中文
HL00009 趙半農、韓江雪 Interpersonal Relationship 中文
AL00010 余達心 Theology 中文
DL00011 David G. Benner Strategic Pastoral Counselling: A Short Term Structural Model Pastoral Care / Counselling 中文
EL00012 Dan B Allender and Tremper Longman III Breaking the Idols of Your Heart: How to navigate the Temptation of Life Spirituality 中文
JL00013 Samuel Wells Power and Passion : Six Characters in Search of Resurrection Christian Ethics 中文
BL00014 羅慶才、黃錫木主編 A Concise Bible Handbook Exegisis 中文
BL00015 黃錫木 The Fundamentals of the Bible — Basic Level Exegisis 中文
CL00016 陳燿南 Missionary 中文
DL00017 Sarah A. Butler Caring Ministry - A Contemplative Approach to Pastoral Care Pastoral Care / Counselling 中文
EL00018 Henri J.M. Nouwen Adam - God's beloved Spirituality 中文
GL00019 王礽福 Christian Literature / Arts 中文
EL00020 Henri J.M. Nouwen With Open Hands Spirituality 中文
EL00021 Henri J.M. Nouwen Beyond The Mirror - Reflections On Death And Life Spirituality 中文
FL00022 胡燕青 Testimonial / Biography 中文
EL00023 陳麗群、潘重姿、潘重剛 A Living Faith Spirituality 中文
EL00024 Dennis Linn, Matthew Linn Healing of Memories Spirituality 中文
DL00025 Paul Tillich The Courage To Be Pastoral Care / Counselling En
EL00026 Henri J.M. Nouwen Finding My Way Home - Pathways to Life and the Spirit Spirituality 中文
BL00027 黃錫木 The Fundamentals of the Bible 一 Advanced Level Exegisis 中文
BL00028 黃嘉樑 Rediscovering the Bible: Book of Numbers Exegisis 中文
EL00029 Gordon MacDonald Ordering Your Private World with study guide Spirituality En
CL00030 陳耀南 Missionary 中文
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