(c00177) Perth Chinese Christian Church, South Branch 伯斯華人基督教會 南堂

地址 : 9 Gedling Close Parkwood 6147
郵寄 : 9 Gedling Close Parkwood 6147
電話 : (08) 9354 9108
電郵 : pccc@iinet.net.au
網址 : http://pccc.org.au/
語言 : English,Mandarin,Cantonese
Pastor : 劉志凡傳道
Reverend : 林原億牧師
Reverend : 得果牧師

我們的使命 Our Mission

1. 在西澳洲向未信主者分享基督福音。

To reach out to people in Western Australia with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

2. 栽培基督信徒在聖經,禱告,崇拜,團契和見証上的信仰與及鼓勵和促進在基督身體中各肢體屬靈恩賜的增長和事奉。

To nurture the faith of Christian believers in the Scriptures, prayer, public worship, Christian fellowship, witness and to encourage and develop spiritual gifts in every member of the body of Christ for service and growth.

3. 為加強在澳洲及外地的宣教和傳福音事工,本會樂於凡與本會信仰信條相符合的基督教會及機構合作。

To co-operate with Christian Churches and societies whose doctrinal positions agree with our Doctrinal Basis in order to foster mission and evangelism both in Australia and overseas.

4. 在崇拜和教會聖工上應同時或分別使用華/粵語,英語與及若有必要使用其他方言。

To provide facilities for the use of the Chinese language and /or the English language and /or any other language deemed necessary in worship and in the work of the Church.

5. 鼓勵成立和發展堂會。

To encourage the establishment and development of local congregations of believers.


Service Timetable

English Service                         SUN  9.00am

Mandarin/Cantonese Service   SUN11.00 am

PCCC Parkwood