(c00133) Cornerstone of Christ Evangelical church 基督活石教會

地址 : Footscray Library – 56 Paisley Street, Footscray Vic. 3011
郵寄 : 56 Paisley Street, Footscray Vic. 3011
電話 : (03)409 921 122
電郵 : pt1619136@gmail.com
網址 : http://cornerstoneofchristchurch.org/
宗派 : Evangelical
語言 : Cantonese
Mr. : Paul Tang Paul Tang (03)409 921 122

Our church was founded in 2008. It originally consisted of about 20 brothers and sisters from China, Hong Kong and Vietnam. The preaching was conducted only in Cantonese.

We are part of the body of Christ. We don't care about nationality. We just gather together to worship God. To love our people is to love ourselves. This is the only commandment our Lord Jesus Christ requires us to follow. We must love and support each other and preach the gospel to those who have never heard it and to those who do not believe in Jesus Christ.


Sunday Worship

Sunday 2-4pm 



0409 921 122 (Paul Tang)